Open call for the Comic Section of the FIL Guadalajara Mexic

Karen Mueller

Open call for the participation of two Balearic comic book artists in the Comic Room of the International Book Fair (FIL) in Guadalajara, Mexico

Description of the activity

The Institut d'Estudis Balearics (IEB) maintains a collaboration agreement with the International Book Fair (FIL) in Guadalajara (Mexico) to enable two comic book artists from the Balearic Islands to participate in the Salón del Cómic of the FIL, which this year is held from December 5 to 8, 2024.

The participation of the two authors is part of the focus that FIL 2024 dedicates to comics from the Balearic Islands, where the IEB has a stand dedicated to the promotion and shows a collective exhibition of Balearic comic authors.

The two selected comic book authors will take part in the salon's professional activities program by giving a workshop and participating in a talk.

The FIL takes care of the four nights of accommodation, food and transfer from and to Guadalajara airport.

The IEB directly assumes the payment of the flights to and from Guadalajara.


To apply for this open call, you must be a comic artist resident in the Balearic Islands or a native of the archipelago and have published at least one comic album during the year 2023.

Selection process

The selection of the two cartoonists will be made through a selection committee made up of Armando Montes de Santiago, coordinator of the FIL Comic Salon; Karen Andrea Müller, technician of the IEB; and a representative of the Comic Cluster of Mallorca.

The committee will evaluate the authors' career and his/her promotion potential within the framework of an international fair in the Latin American area.

The committee's decision will be final.

Enrollment in the selection process

To register for the pre-selection process, you must send a short e-mail of introduction to and attach the cartoonist's career and a representative dossier of his/her projects (in a single PDF file).

The subject line of the email must say "Open call FIL Comic 2024".

The dossier file must be identified with the name of the applicant.

The IEB will confirm receipt of the request to participate in the selection process.

Deadline for receiving participation requests

The deadline for receiving applications for participation ends on Sunday, September 1, 2024, at 11:00 p.m.

Any participation request sent after the deadline will not be taken into account.


Selected authors will receive an email confirming their selection (by September 6, 2024 at the latest), to which they must reply confirming participation in the fair.

Once this procedure has been completed, all participants will be informed of the final selection result by email.

The result can also be consulted on the IEB website.

For any doubts o questions, please contact Karen Müller at

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